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Buddhist Faculties

Santosh Priyadarshi Dr. Santosh Priyadarshi

 Head & Assistant Professor - Mahayana (School of International Buddhist Studies)


Dr. Santosh Priyadarshi Post-graduate and Ph.D. in Pali and Buddhist Studies from BHU, Varanasi. He qualified UGC- JRF in triple subjects viz.Pali, Baudha-Jain-Gandhi and Peace Studies as well as Comparative Study of Religions. Prior to joining this University, he was engaged in the research work related to Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Post-Doctoral Fellows-UGC, New Delhi. He has more than six years of academic, research experience and is well versed in Brahmi, Sharada, Nagari, Nevari, Dev-Nagari and Roman scripts. He has published more than twenty research papers in coveted journals. He has presented more than fifteen research papers in the prestigious National and International conferences. Dr. Priyadarshi is an active member of various professional bodies including Epigraphical Society of India, Mysore and Indian Society for Buddhist Studies, Jammu. His areas of specialization are Pali and Buddhist Studies(Abhidhamma Philosophy), Mahayana Buddhism, Buddhist Sanskrit Literature and Buddhist Philosophy and presently, pursuing his research on Puggal-Paiyatti.

Ramesh Rohit Dr. Ramesh Rohit

 Assistant Professor - Theravada (School of International Buddhist Studies)



Dr. Ramesh Rohit got his UG and PG degree from RTM Nagpur University. He completed his doctoral research work from Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar, a Central University. Dr. Rohit is got scholarship from Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi for outstanding performance in Pali language in 2009. He was also awarded with UGC Junior Research Fellowship in Pali Language in 2012. He has attended more than fifty International, National Seminars and Conferences as well as Workshops. He has also delivered more than twenty lectures on various topics in International and National Conferences and Seminars. Dr. Rohit has published more than twelve research papers in reputed Journals. His area of interests are Pali Language, Buddhism and Ambedkar Thought.