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The University is actively working on establishing an extensive network of similar institutions in India and abroad. This network will facilitate Exchange Programmes for students at all levels of learning. Exchange programmes will help to share and enhance knowledge and information among all the stakeholders. The University will seek all the opportunities to develop collaboration among South-Asian countries and other countries of the world so as to have exchange programmes on regular basis.

University offers various courses ranging from Certificate Courses to Doctoral Level for Indian students and students from abroad as well. The University offers its students a world of seamless possibilities as there are ample opportunities to use state-of-the art technology in back-to-the-nature kind of surroundings. Systematic and continued dialogues with the masters and interaction with other learners will facilitate the students to mould their personal and professional life.

The University hopes to have students from all other South-East Asian countries and other countries of the world. Sanchi University focuses on interdisciplinary studies that allows students to enrich their academic and research experiences to their career and life goals.

The University offers various courses ranging from Certificate Courses to Doctoral Level for Indian students and students from abroad as well. The University will offer its students a world of seamless possibilities as there will be ample opportunities to use state-of-the art technology in back-to-the-nature kind of surroundings. Systematic and continued dialogues with the masters and interaction with other learners will facilitate the students to mould their personal and professional life. The University hopes to have students from all other South-East Asian countries and other countries of the World. The Sanchi University focuses on interdisciplinary studies that allows students to enrich their academic and research experiences to their career and life goals.